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  • Sebastian Ricarte


Updated: Jul 15

Being one of the most popular tools today, you may look at the variety and particular and specialized uses they offer.


With GPT, you can create completely readable and coherent texts in various styles, topics, and languages. One of the most common uses is the creation of summaries, descriptions, and even stories. Through this "conversation" with ChatGPT, problems can be posed, which are then analyzed, and the response can be adjusted according to various parameters that should be included when writing the request. For example, "Summarize the following text in a non-technical language."

ChatGPT interface

This intelligence specializes in natural language processing, allowing for contextual textual actions. ChatGPT can maintain a conversation regardless of the topic and be asked to assume a role. This way, we can simulate an interview, a conversation, or even a debate. However, it is important to note that among the many things we can ask ChatGPT, it can make mistakes. Verifying and checking the information it displays on the screen is important.



It is an intelligence capable of generating images with great detail and definition. As with most of the AIs we are discussing, one of its biggest advantages is that its cost is zero. Users can utilize a daily quota of virtual "tokens" to generate images, with each new project using one token, and these tokens do not expire. There is also a paid version that provides access to more tokens and faster image creation.

Leonardo AI interface

When creating an image, you can consider the following:

  • Number of results generated

  • Image dimensions

  • Orientation

  • Image style

The Alchemy function, found in the side menu, is an option that, when activated, ensures that all results are in high definition; however, this may disable certain customization options. Additionally, it’s possible to upload files for the AI to use as references when creating the image.

There are various disadvantages to using Leonardo AI for free. If you want to use an image exclusively or commercially, the generated image is shared with the user community and can be viewed by everyone. In this case, you would need to pay for one of the platform's plans or choose another platform that offers copyright options.

Since it is an AI for images, it does not have templates for producing texts, creating videos, or generating branded images; one of the most sought-after features by designers to produce results that better fit their brand needs. It is important to remember that it is a tool that can help create content, but only to a certain extent.



The main function, and the reason for its popularity, is the creation of presentations, as well as documents and web pages, with a single text message. It can transform an idea into a visual document, convert instructions into slides, and adapt to pre-designed templates.

Gamma has two creation modes:

  • Guided: Here, it is enough to describe the topic we are looking for, and Gamma provides the initial outline, which can be edited as needed.

  • Text to Deck: In this mode, we can upload the document outline ourselves, and Gamma automatically generates the presentation.

Gamma Interface

This AI offers several types of licenses. The free format allows unlimited users and projects, with export to PDF, PPT, change history up to 7 days, and basic analytics.



It is a system capable of creating songs from scratch. You only need to write a "prompt" or command describing the song and the title you want, and the AI will create the song based on that description. This is not a platform that creates songs based on the musical style of other artists; instead, it makes all types of music, without instruments, entirely personalized, using imagination. You can choose whether it will be instrumental or not, but it is better to activate the Custom Mode option, as it offers a higher level of customization.

Here is what you will find:

  • Lyrics: You can write the lyrics for the AI to sing or generate the lyrics randomly.

  • Instrumental: Use this button to create a version that only includes instruments.

  • Musical Style: You can choose between genres or subgenres, and also select a random style.

  • Title: Write the title of your choice.

  • Version: You can choose the version of Suno you prefer. Version 3 is recommended.

  • Create: Once you have completed the above fields, click to create your song.

Suno Logo

Additionally, you will have the option to customize the lyrics to your liking. This means you can determine the verses or choruses that will appear in the song. You can also create songs and lyrics randomly from a prompt. Just write a concept or phrase and click "Generate Lyrics." In seconds, you will get the lyrics for your song. Finally, fill in all the necessary fields, paying special attention to the musical genre and lyrics, and click "create."



This AI allows you to organize and visualize your ideas efficiently, streamlining the creative process. It enhances mind maps by seamlessly integrating ideas from the conversation. You only need to communicate the requirements through the chat, and the AI will handle the task.

Chatmind leverages the power of GPT, ensuring that your ideas are represented clearly and accurately. This tool can create maps with a logical structure, eliminating the need to organize ideas first, thus facilitating understanding and decision-making. You can also break down your ideas into subcategories and subtopics, allowing you to explore concepts in depth, resulting in multi-level mind maps. It also protects your privacy by not adding personal identifiers to your maps. Additionally, if you want to highlight key concepts, it allows you to emphasize important points.

Chatmind Logo



Start creating in Designer simply by describing what you want. With generative AI technology, you will get unique images, including text and associated images, as design suggestions tailored to your needs.

Features for creating and editing visual content:

  • Intuitive: Users can learn how to generate designs quickly and easily, without the need for prior experience or advanced knowledge of design tools.

  • Design Suggestions: It provides real-time recommendations based on the user's preferences and objectives.

  • Integration with Microsoft Products: It will offer native links with other Microsoft products, such as PowerPoint and Word, allowing users to create designs and graphics within these programs.

  • Multilingual: It will support multiple languages, enabling users to create designs in any language easily and effectively.

  • Cloud: Allows access from anywhere and any time, as long as there is internet connection.

Without a doubt, it is a powerful tool to meet current competitive demands and will help optimize various processes, facilitating the achievement of any challenge.

Microsoft Designer Interface



Similar to Leonardo AI, in addition to image generation, it offers a variety of functions for editing digital graphics.

Recraft Interface

Features of Recraft:

  • Image Generator: Image generation.

  • Vector Generator: Converts rasterized images to high-quality vector graphics.

  • Image Upscaler: Enhances the quality of images.

  • Background Remover: Precisely removes unwanted backgrounds.

  • AI Eraser: Automatically erases unwanted elements, saving time and effort.

As a user, you can upload images that will be used as references. Through controls, adjust the style and level of detail in the results. Additionally, you can combine various styles and even select a color palette.



CapCut primarily offers easy-to-use video editing functions, fonts, and effects available for free, as well as advanced features like keyframe animation, smooth slow motion, chroma key, and stabilization that help capture and trim at the precise moment.

Recently, a free AI feature called AI Tester has been added. It is an excellent tool for clothing companies in e-commerce. CapCut facilitates the visualization and fitting of any garment on models of various sizes and styles in real-time. This can help brands achieve their conversion goals and expand their customer base.

It includes images, textures, and a range of poses, such as pocket inserts, tucked-in shirts, and subtle angles. The main focus is to revolutionize clothing stores, providing a way to find the perfect size and virtually try on clothes, ensuring a safer purchase.

One of the main advantages is increasing sales on e-commerce platforms, as growing brand appeal. Companies will have a better understanding of customer requirements. Through the application, we will have more details about size and style, improving product offerings based on this knowledge, expanding the customer base, and ultimately increasing sales.

CapCut Logo

CapCut also has another AI-assisted tool, Text to Speech, which transforms the desired text into a realistic voice, featuring various styles, enhancing content creation and multimedia projects. This omits the cumbersome process of manual voice recording.



Based on the free version of Gemini, which internally uses the Gemini Pro AI model similar to GPT-3.5 that GPT uses.

It is a highly perceptive AI that responds in the same language you write to it; you can switch languages at any time by writing the next prompt in English or simply asking for the result in the desired language. It supports major languages such as English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, etc. As for its functions, the main feature, like many AIs, is querying via chat, and it offers quick options that appear with the settings button. With these options, you can make responses shorter or longer, as well as change the writing tone to be simple, informal, or even more professional.

Gemini Logo

The significant difference between Gemini and other available AI options like ChatGPT is that the responses are based on internet results. This means they may not always be updated, and the information only goes up to a certain date.

Advantages include the creation of debates, comparisons, tutorials, translations, email drafting, scriptwriting, short writing pieces, generating exams, text improvements, poems, songs, device analysis (main features), buying guides, creating Excel formulas, web page creation, and many more functions with which Gemini can assist you.



AI Voice Generator. It can generate speech that imitates a person's tones and styles., resulting in realistic and engaging content. This has opened up possibilities in many sectors such as:

  • Entertainment Industry: From generating voiceovers for movies and animations to creating realistic virtual characters.

  • Customer Service: Many companies choose to create virtual assistants and chatbots that can interact with customers, providing and responding to inquiries 24 hours a day.

  • Education and E-learning: Leveraging voice synthesis and text-to-speech conversion capabilities, content becomes more engaging and accessible.

  • Accessibility and Inclusion: By creating sounds that closely resembles the human voice, it ensures that visually impaired individuals can access information audibly.




Artificial intelligence that offers fast and accurate transcriptions of speeches and various audio formats. Like many AIs, it is an online tool; similarly, you only need to upload the audio file you want to work with, and Notta generates the transcription in the language you choose. For downloading the transcription, you have various formats such as SRT, Word, and Txt. You can even add subtitles or make edits as needed.


It offers various functions:

  • Real-time automatic transcription

  • Language transcription

  • AI summary

  • Transcription of Zoom, Google Meet, and more meetings.

Notta Interface

Notta can serve various purposes and focuses; for students, it is a tool for organization and analysis to create notes. For professionals, it can be used to ensure no important details are missed in meetings and project management. Even in research, organizing and summarizing articles to conclude becomes simpler.



It is a learning application offered by Google, focused on helping college and high school students understand their academic work. It makes mixed use of artificial intelligence technologies and Google search to connect useful educational resources from the web and sites like YouTube.

Socratic offers students the ability to get help when they need, allowing them to continue their learning even if their teachers, tutors or parents are not available.

Socratic Interface through app

By simply speaking or utilizing their device's camera, students can ask for help on any unclear topic. Then, Socratic will scour the web for the most helpful resources.It provides helpful videos, detailed explanations and expert-crafted study guides, covering the key concepts of most subjects.

With Socratic, students have control over their learning. They decide the concepts they need help with, select the resources on use, and choose the learning strategy that best suits their needs.


AI on demand and electronic tools today have many virtues, however let us not forget that they support our activities, tasks and ideas, but they are not the final answer.

The "human touch" lives in us.

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