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Sponsor Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions: The term “Publisher” defines all FERRCONN publishing partners for any media outlets represented. All advertising submitted is subject to the approval of the Business Manager, or Publisher in compliance with company standards. We reserve the right to refuse any content that does not meet these standards. FERRCONN reserves the right to reject advertisers or advertisements that could hurt digital/print readers, as determined by management.


FERRCONN and the Publisher must approve all aspects of display advertisements, including subject matter, form, wording, illustrations, and typography. Any changes to an advertisement must be authorized in advance by the Agency or Advertiser. We do not accept any advertising content that attacks, criticizes, or demeans individuals or groups based on factors such as race, religion, sex, affiliation, profession, or preference. All submitted ads must clearly state the name of the Advertiser.


All display advertisements submitted must identify the name of the Advertiser. FERRCONN, as a company as of January 1, 2023, does not allow any political, religious, alcohol, tobacco, firearms, sexual-related materials, and all adult-related materials. The type of heading, text, etc., shall not be the same or similar to that used by any partner news and editorial content that can be perceived as material provided by the publisher. Any advertisements with an appearance of editorial content must have "Advertisement" printed above it. Both FERRCONN and our partner publisher reserve the right to insert "Advertisement" above any copy.


FERRCONN and the Publisher are not responsible for any errors in advertisements unless a corrected copy is received before the copy deadline. If an error occurs that is determined to be their responsibility, FERRCONN's liability will be limited to refunding a portion of the advertisement cost based on the space occupied by the error.


FERRCONN and the Publisher hold no liability for failure to publish an advertisement in a specified issue. If this occurs, the advertisement will be published in a subsequent issue at the regular rate.


Terms of sale for ads: Payment is due upon securing placement unless otherwise specified in the agreement.


Credit privileges may be revoked by FERRCONN for failure to pay charges on time. All outstanding monies owed to the Publisher by an Advertiser will become immediately due and payable. FERRCONN reserves the right to refuse or decline future advertising ventures based on past payment history with either party.


If an account becomes delinquent, the Advertiser is responsible for paying all collection costs, attorney’s fees, and any expenses associated with placing the obligation with a collection agency or attorney for litigation.


The Advertiser and/or Advertising Agency are responsible for defending and indemnifying FERRCONN and the Publisher against any claims of libel, unfair competition, infringement of trademarks or copyrights, or other violations resulting from the publication of their advertisement.


Non-compliance with the agreed-upon timeline for submitting creative materials may result in a change in advertising rates and conditions, with 30 days' notice. Advertisers have the option to amend or cancel their contracts or space reservations in such cases. Please note that all ad placements are limited and any cancellation requests must be made within 3 days of purchase.


FERRCONN values your privacy and ensures that any personal information collected is kept confidential. We only gather personal information from our partner sites if you request further information, place an order, complete a survey, or enter a contest. This may include your name and email address. We may use this information to contact you for account purposes and to respond to feedback or inquiries. Additionally, we share general demographic information with advertisers and partners in an aggregated form that does not identify individuals. We guarantee that all data and performance statistics are kept private unless we have your consent or are presenting aggregate data for reference purposes. FERRCONN also adheres to GDPR and does not utilize cookies for frequency capping, conversion tracking, or geotargeting.


At FERRCONN, we take the privacy of our clients and partners seriously. As part of this commitment, all performance data and statistics are kept confidential and will only be shared with your permission. If we do share any statistics, it will be an aggregate of our entire client base and will not identify any individual. Additionally, we certify that all personal information, including email addresses, will remain private and will not be shared, sold, rented, or bartered with third parties without your consent.


At FERRCONN, we utilize ad-serving technologies across our partner websites. These platforms adhere to all GDPR requirements and do not require cookies for frequency capping, conversion tracking, or geotargeting. Additionally, tag and data targeting features allow us to gain insights into customer needs and customize your interactions with our brand. Rest assured that any information collected is only shared with the services necessary to create a personalized content experience.

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